Money Talks

Edna is a public speaker and financial advisor serving companies and individuals. I've been working with Edna for years, and have been involved in the design of many of her businesses and projects.
  • Client
  • Edna Friesen Wiebe
  • Industry
  • Business & Finance
  • Services
  • Logo, Indentity, Website
  • Date
  • Q3-Q4 2018 - Current
  • About Project
  • Edna approached me to do design work for her new project. Tasks included revising a logo, promotional materials (including business card and one-sheet), and website. This design needed to be extremely slick and professional. As with all corporate identity projects, consistency was a crucial part of this project.
  • Project Brief
  • This identity needed to be clean and professional. Edna liked a previous website I had made for her finance company, and wanted this new website to complement it but stand alone as a separate entity.
Project skills & expertise

Exploring out-of-the-box design options was a big part of this project. Communication and market research both played a big role in this project. There was a lot of back-and-forth, and a whole lot of revisions. The logo was primarly designed in Adobe Illustrator. The website was created using a mix of HTML5, CSS, and Javascript. To accomplish this project, I was able to leverage my most refined and practiced skills.

Javascript - Animation & Website backend

HTML5 & CSS - Website development

Illustrator - Logo design, Indentity design, website design

Communication & Content Development - Corporate Identity

This is an excellent company! I personally enjoyed the energy and the professional support the whole team gave to us into creating website.
Mattie Stepanek